Speakers Bureau

USSA Speakers Bureau has representatives available for your organization, club or activity.  These speakers are highly qualified marine surveyors.  Occasionally headquarters receives requests for speakers to present topics or speak about the boating industry.  If you are looking for a speaker for your club, activity or organization, please check the roster for your state.  Those speakers who have qualified to participate will have "Speakers Bureau Representative" listed after their names and businesses.  Speakers arrange their own times and topics and if any, possible fees.  USSA does not warrant these speakers, but we have made every effort to distinguish their qualifications.  We will be happy to arrange speakers for you as well if you prefer and as always headquarters, here in Florida, is standing by to assist your club or organization in any way.  We are grateful for your support of our surveyors and we are celebrating 20 years of training, certification and the continual quest for ethics in our business.  Please call the individual surveyor or you may contact us at 1-800-245-4425, anytime.

Speakers Available from:
Navtech USSA Headquarters 1-800-245-4425
George Castagnola, Attorney at Law (see California roster)